Two children and a foster-child.

Well, yes, not everything is easy to do with three children, one of them a new foster-son 11 months old. My energy is consumed by everything that happens daily, and on the evenings, well, it`s hard to find the motivation.

But George and Stulf are in there, still. They are in my thoughts. I know now that I am not happy with how the book looks, I want to change the pictures. So the next step will be to order new pictures, easy ones, of objects only – this leaves much more to the imagination. Maybe the pictures that I do have, can be sold as extra if someone is interested? Not that the book is actually a big one, but for my own sake I think it is a great idea! 🙂

I also have to admit that I have been having these cold feet now and then. It is another part of me, wondering what this is all good for, this ebook-dream with a lot of illusions. Really, isn`t humanity`s best hope to go inside ourselves, and not to flee to other realities all the time – ebooks being one part of it? I don`t have knowledge to learn to other people. I only have my fantasy. What is fantasy good for? Well, it is my source to inspiration, and inspiration is a step into being a better and more insightful human being. Maybe insight has nothing to do with all the knowledge in the world, only the deepest knowledge that is. And insight has another way to enter the human beings: from the inspiration, that is the other way to enter the deep knowledge of the universe. The knowledge we all can enter – if from the right source.


One year ago…

… I published my very first ebook, “George and Stulf.” I can`t believe that a whole year has passed. I was so excited, got so disappointed later, and I learned so much. It is incredible, and the year between me and the launcing of “George and Stulf”, has been very giving and needed. I feel that I know a lot more now than before. And to that – I am very grateful!

A lot is still happening behind the scenes. I believe that I will be up and going in the autumn again. Then, I want to change this blog a bit, making some new categories, making it into a blog for those who need experience with publishnig ebooks, and the whole process behind it. I want to write more about the parts of the process, what I know and what I believe is difficult.

I`ve also “found” the second book in George and Stulf – finally! Even though my stories are short, it still means something to find the right story, and the right tone. I will be continuing on the tone from the first book, which means that I will not change the first book, but the second one. The pieces are falling into place. It takes a little time, but I think it is normal.

I am looking forward to sharing my story with you all!

In the meantime, I want to wish you all a great summer time, and if you want to, you can get my ebook for FREE here.


By the way – happy birthday grandpa.

Which tone?

It has happened a lot backstage. But really, which tone am I to give the book?

You see: as I wrote earlier, my first book was written in a much more “childish” tone. I really loved it for that. The innocence, the “here and now” touch of it, was something that I enjoyed very much!

But then what? Well, then some time went by, and I started to write the second book.

The second book needed a plot, and I made one. But the plot was really for an older audience than the first one.

I have tried to think of other plots as well, but how to do that, and making it at least a little exciting?

So I have two different plots now, in a way. The first one is innocent, lovely in its nature, here and now – feeling, like I want it to be. The other one is more exciting, something happens, we get to know the figures a little bit more – but I feel that the innocence is replaced with something else.

What to do?

I have an idea… stay tuned, to find out…

By the way: 192 people have downloaded my book! That is awesome-cool! Really! 😀

How it is to write a second book and then admit that I need to rewrite the first.

Right now, things feel like new beginnings, so I didn`t react with my worst sides, but I am anyway very happy that I didn`t think so much while I wrote it. There`s something about letting the creativity come as it is, too. This results in my making of book number one once more, a version 2. The reason is that while I was writing book 2, the characters and the story felt more solid and real, and it was like I hit something more than before, even the age-group. So therefore i am rewriting it to an older group this time, 9+.

The feeling though, of starting all over again, making the plot once more because the happenings itself in the story gives a hint or two about the characters age, is quite confusing. Now I decided to change the games they are playing to more “big” games, such as skateboard, bicycle, trading cards, fotball…

Which means that I need to decide on new pictures – all over again.

And my illustrator on Fiverr has expanded her deadline to 20 days from 14 days – which gives this a good push out into the future. I do understand the illustrator`s need for more time though, and it is probably for the best that I wait a bit – a lot is happening in my life right now.

The world, work, and processes of an author is indeed strange.

And the most important question: What do I do with the version that I have now?

A new round of concessions to make.

Think about that. A year is almost over. A lot has happened:
1) I got the idea to write a little children`s book, and I did, I finished it and published it on my grandfather`s birthday 17.07.14
(and 16.07.14 for US time zones).
2) I started this blog, and my other personal blog.
3) I started my Project 365+ on the other blog which is daily descriptions where I try to capture the day in a “wordphoto” so that I get the essence of it. Both in my main language and in English.
4) I found out that poets can make it, too, so I started a blog on Tumblr with my poetry.  (
5) I`ve felt the loss for this blog, my started project, the milestone that I have been trying to do in so many years.
6) I`m almost finished with book number two of George and Stulf
7) I`ve got a lot of new information about my George and Stulf-world.
8) I`ve done so many things, started to translate a project for another author, finished that project YESTERDAY! (wohooo!!!!), written poems and texts and…

Yes. Really – a lot has happened. And I know, out of the things that happened – that more is going to happen next year, too.

But what I want is to really focus on this blog as well. I have a lot to write about, posts which aren`t published yet, and so on.

What I need to do next:

1) Finish book two.
2) Find a proofreader I`m not afraid of.
3) Order changes on the drawings on book one.
4) Order drawings for book two. (My God, what to choose, I have NO idea!!)
5) Finish and publish book two.
6) Start book three.

I have so many ideas, worlds, things and thangs ( a little wordplay from my language, there) that I really need to just write, write, and write. Where is the millionaires who want to pay me for writing my stories? The bargain: they get to read my stories first. I think that is a big prize paid from my side of the fence.

Regards from one who loves her own stories so much.

And I wish you all a Happy New Year, too!

How am I supposed to get things done?!

Okay, so I am supposed to try to rest for a longer period.
All the thoughts.. and all the work that I have to do…
Suddenly, I am translating a lot of texts for the author I have had contact with, and this takes some of my hours away every evening. Maybe just as good, it is easier to have something very concrete to do, than to sit and try to do things, with sometimes a bad self-confidence and self-worth, and a feeling that nothing ever gets done! But it`s important to remember that it gets done, actually, only in microscopic steps.
My book two is almost finished. And although I want to change some of the illustrations in book one, and that this is a big step to take, and at the same time start with the same new type of illustrations in book two as the “new” book one, I am close to “done”.

Again, my questions arise:
1) Who does the book appeal to? I have an age group, but still, should this be changed, should I change the way of writing book one so that it gets to be more like book two? (reading through this makes me shiver: I am supposed to write in the same “tone” through all the books, so I need to read both text 1 and 2 together and compare them as soon as possible).
2) What kind of pictures to I want, as soon as I understand who the book appeals to?
3) Which of the pictures do I want to change?
4) How will the new style on my books be?
5) For all the follow ups on this book and the second one: How will I present the package to the world?

Another challenge is that my proofreader on Fiverr is not active at the moment, or she has deleted her account – have no idea. I need to switch fields. But who?

Maybe I do have a lot to do after all…

A lot is happening behind the Scene.

A lot of thoughts, a lot of obstacles – that I put out for myself, apparently to enjoy the suffering, or something like that.

A lot of thoughts – yes. I am currently writing on the second book in the series. This is a little book, since it is a children`s book, and to be honest, it could be finished eons ago if I just sat down and wrote it.

But something happened. Remember the wise lady, the author which gave me an advice? Well, we talked about my book, and she really enjoyed it.
And then she asked me:
“Which planet does Stulf come from?”
And I answered:
“I don`t know, I haven`t asked him yet.”

And there it was. It was obvious for me that the next step in the process would be to sit down, and ask.
So I did. And my, I wrote page after page after page… it just dropped down in my head sort of, before I got the opportunity to mean something about it. That`s how creativity works for me. And so I let it be like that, and I got a lot of really interesting information about everything. Right now, after finishing the history of the planet itself, I asked them about society`s rules, how they handle visitors and etc. It`s really interesting and I am enjoying every minute of it!

It is all put to a pause, though, cause I am currently writing a Christmas calendar to a dear friend of mine who lost her son, in suicide, for a year ago in two days. She needs the texts, and I have made the first seven, from the day of his death and almost out December. I miss the writing of Stulf`s world but this is top priority right now. 30 small poems and verses which I hope will help her through a hard Christmas.

Something else which I also enjoy, is to read other bloggers out there. It will come! It will come. Soon.

Until next time – I wish you days with lots of creativity – and guts to get it out.